Charles Cabell
Associate Professor, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Toyo University
Ph.D. in Modern Japanese Literature, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
President of the International Association for Japan Studies (IAJS)
Areas of interests: Cultural studies, East Asian studies, gender and ethnic studies, Japanese literature and history, and critical pedagogy
In recent years, Professor Cabell has devoted much of his energy to joining in the urgent reform of educational institutions in response to the rapidly worsening climate and ecological crisis. The Department of Global Innovation Studies in April became the first department in Japan to issue a Climate Emergency Declaration. Most recently, as President of the International Association for Japan Studies (IAJS), he has been involved in pioneering a new form of academic conference that brings together students, activists, scholars and concerned laypeople in highly creative, participant-centered, interactive learning events that engage issues of equity and social justice in the context of the global emergency.
Professor Cabell hopes that, by participating in Toyo Model United Nations, students will gain not only new knowledge, but also confidence in their own voices, creativity, and collaborative ability. As participants gain increased awareness of the systems of extreme inequality, oppression and violence that cause tremendous suffering to individuals and communities, he asks them to consider the significance of the fact that TOYO MUN started with one student’s willingness to act on her dream. Empathizing with those who are suffering, analyzing the causes, envisioning how to improve conditions, and acting for change are among the experiential skills on offer at Toyo MUN. Professor Cabell hopes that, as a result of their experiences, participants will strengthen their faith in our shared humanity, and acknowledge their potential to work as change makers. We have first to believe in ourselves before we can join with others in acting to make a difference.